We Miss You!

Thanks to Covid19, we are all missing our routines and really missing our peeps. Some individuals we serve have gone to stay with family, separated from their WIN family, others are with their WIN fam and missing their other family members. It does our hearts good to see everyone making the best of the hand we’re dealt. Please send your images to karenw@win-ab.org

Finally! We’ve sure been missing this guy… Summer and Robert got out to see him at his parent’s place and they enjoyed a social distancing driveway visit. Great to see your smile Larry! Hope to see you again soon

Jeanette and Raya

Having a FaceTime visit – heading out to do some grocery shopping – taking care to practice physical distancing

“A boy and his dog” Robert is looking very relaxed and happy spending time with his family and his dog. He is probably working on his art as well! Your smile is infectious and we miss it so much.

Hanging at Home