Camp HeHoHa
(HEalth, HOpe, HAppiness) Summer is well underway in spite of the rainy weather. We at WIN are enjoying the not so lazy or hazy, but sometimes crazy daze of summer! Have you heard about Camp HeHoHa? It is a summer camp that many of the individuals WIN serves look forward to each year. Some have […]
30th Annual General Meeting (For 2016 – 2017 fiscal year) 7:00 p.m. Thursday June 15, 2017. Board Room, at Ramada Inn 11311 100 St, Westlock Agenda 2017-2018 Annual Membership fees are due in order to vote at this year’s AGM 7:00 Welcome, introductions & call to order 7:10 Agenda Approval 7:15 Recognition of Employer of […]