WIN Team

Disability Workers Wage Increase Campaign

Please click on the link to see the press conference from Wednesday, May 13, 2020 on the ADWA Facebook page. If you are not a disability support worker, or a family member of individuals who require services, you have a vested interest to get involved. Please participate and help our professional workforce get the recognition […]

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We Feel Forgotten

Our board chair Donna Fleming forwarded this article to us. As an agency, our heart is with families caring for their disabled loved ones. We understand their concerns and we will do our best to shine a light on the issues. Please help to spread their story.

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Pandemic Resource Page

Message for Families with FMS Contract Covid 19 Information for Canadians

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Christmas Market

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Camp HeHoHa

(HEalth, HOpe, HAppiness) Summer is well underway in spite of the rainy weather. We at WIN are enjoying the not so lazy or hazy, but sometimes crazy daze of summer! Have you heard about Camp HeHoHa? It is a summer camp that many of the individuals WIN serves look forward to each year. Some have […]

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